A to Z of recycling
Find out what waste items you can recycle, the bin you need to use or which Recycling Centre you can take it to.
Find out what waste items you can recycle, the bin you need to use or which Recycling Centre you can take it to.
You can dispose of up to 25 litres of waste acid at our recycling centres.
You can recycle aerosol containers, such as deodorant, hairspray and air freshener cans, at home and at our recycling centres.
You can dispose of these everyday items at home. Some items can go in your recycling bin but others need to go in general waste.
You can dispose of up to 25 litres of antifreeze at our recycling centres.
You can dispose of apples at home or at your local recycling centre.
Broken and unwanted electrical appliances and electronic equipment can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
Asbestos is classed as hazardous waste and needs to be disposed of with care. Find out which recycling centres can accept cement bonded asbestos and how to dispose of it correctly.
You can take barbeques to your local recycling centre.
You can recycle plastic cosmetic bottles and other bathroom materials such as shampoo bottles, toothpaste tubes, aerosols and plastic tubs in your recycling bin at home. Make sure to remove as much of the contents as possible.
You can take both car and household batteries to your local recycling centre.
Old bicycles and scooters can be taken to your local recycling centre where they can be recycled for scrap metal.
Hard plastics such as bins cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Both metal and plastic biscuit or sweet containers can be placed in your recycling bin at home or brought to your local recycling centre.
Black plastic pots, tubs and trays can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre.
Blister packs that still contain medication should be returned to your chemist for safe disposal. Empty blister packs can be placed in your household recycling bin or taken to your local recycling centre.
Books can be recycled at our recycling centres.
Hard plastics such as buckets cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
You can dispose of up to 200kg of DIY building, construction (including cement) and demolition materials at our recycling centres.
Items such as furniture, furnishings and white goods can be taken to your local recycling centre.
Candle jars, diffusers and plastic air fresheners can't be recycled - you'll need to put these in your general waste or take them to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of food, drink, pet food or aerosol cans in your recycling bin at home, or at your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of old car batteries at your local recycling centre.
Hard plastics such as car bumpers cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Cardboard and card can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre.
Carpets should be taken to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of milk, juice, soup and other Tetra Pak type cartons in your recycling bin at home or at your local recycling centre.
Catalogues and brochures and can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre.
CDs and DVDs can be recycled at our recycling centre.
Ceramics such as crockery and tiles cannot be recycled at home. Take them to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of chipboard at our recycling centres.
Christmas trees can be taken to your local recycling centre.
Most cards and wrapping paper - unless they are glittery, metallic or foil based - can go in your recycling bin at home. Plastic decorations should be put in general waste.
Unwanted household cleaning products can be disposed of at our recycling centres.
Clinical waste cannot be disposed of in your general household waste and is not accepted at recycling centres. You must arrange for clinical waste collection services.
Don't dispose of clothes at home. Take them to your local recycling centre.
What you do to dispose of coat hangers depends on what they are made from. You can take them to your local recycling centre and place them in the appropriate container.
You can dispose of coffee pods in your household waste or through designated recycling schemes.
Community care equipment can be recycled at our recycling centres.
Instead, put bioplastics in your rubbish bin.
Hard plastics such as composters cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Broken and unwanted computers, laptops and computing equipment such as monitors, mice, keyboards, cables and so on can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of cooking oil at some of our recycling centres.
Crisp packets cannot be recycled as they are a mix of plastic and foil. Put them in your general waste bin, not your recycling bin.
Crutches can be recycled at our recycling centres.
You can dispose of curtains at our recycling centres.
Place deodorant cans in your recycling bin at home.
You can place your cold, fully extinguished disposable BBQ in your general household waste or take it to your local recycling centre.
Place drink cartons in your recycling bin at home.
You can dispose of duvets, pillows and cushions at our recycling centres.
DVDs can be taken to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of these at home. Some items can go in your recycling bin but others need to go in general waste.
WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) is a term that describes any items requiring batteries or needing to be plugged into the mains to work. Take this waste to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of domestic engine oil at our recycling centres.
You can dispose of these at home. Some items can go in your recycling bin but others need to go in general waste.
Expired medicines, including tablets, liquids, filled and sealed needles and auto injector pens must be taken to your local pharmacy for safe disposal. Please do not dispose of the materials in your bins at home or at your local recycling centre.
Take unwanted extinguishers to your local recycling centre. A specialist contractor collects, decommissions and disposes of them appropriately.
It is against the law to dispose of fireworks in your bin and you cannot take them to recycling centres.
If you need to dispose of small quantities of any flammable chemicals then please take them to your nearest recycling centre for safe disposal.
You cannot take flares to our recycling centres as this will present a significant hazard to staff and other site users. You also cannot put flares in with general household rubbish or public litter bins as they may cause serious harm to others.
Fluorescent tubes should be taken to your local recycling centre.
You can recycle aluminium foil and foil containers in your recycling bin at home.
Dispose of food waste in your general waste bin or home composter.
You can recycle food cans in your recycling bin at home.
Fridges and freezers may contain hazardous chemicals and need to be disposed of with care. Take them to your local recycling centre.
Take furniture to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of up to 25 litres of waste garden chemicals at our recycling centres.
How to dispose of garden furniture.
You can subscribe to a garden waste collection service through your local district or borough council or take your garden waste and grass cuttings to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of gas bottles of up to 15kg in size at our recycling centres.
Glass bottles, jars and pots can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre. Other types of glass (drinking glasses, oven-proof dishes and so on) should be taken to your local recycling centre.
Spectacles can't be recycled. You can dispose of them in general waste either at home or at your recycling centre.
You can subscribe to a garden waste collection from your local district or borough council or take this waste to your local recycling centre.
Most cards and wrapping paper - unless they are glittery, metallic or foil based - can go in your recycling bin at home.
Hard plastics such as guttering cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Do not dispose of hard plastics at home. Hard plastics are accepted for recycling at all of our Recycling Centres (RCs).
You can dispose of many hazardous wastes at our recycling centres.
Contact your local hospital to see if they accept old hearing aids. Alternatively, recycle your old hearing aids by taking them to your local recycling centre.
You can recycle your household batteries by placing them in a designated container at your local recycling centre.
Up to 25 litres of hazardous household chemicals can be disposed of at our recycling centres.
Ink cartridges cannot be recycled at home or at our recycling centres. Please put them in your general waste bin, or see if you can donate them for refilling.
How to dispose of insulation.
Invasive plants must not be disposed of at home.
You can take broken or unwanted irons to your local recycling centre.
Jam jars can be recycled at home or taken to your local recycling centre.
Japanese Knotweed is a very invasive and damaging weed and it is not accepted at any of our recycling centres. Soils from within a 7 metre radius surrounding Japanese Knotweed will also not be accepted.
Solved the puzzle? Unfortunately the bits are too small for recycling, so you'll need to put it in your general waste or take it to your local recycling centre.
Place juice cartons in your recycling bin at home.
Junk mail can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre.
You can take broken or unwanted kettles to your local recycling centre (RC).
Unwanted food should be placed in general waste. Old kitchen appliances can be taken to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of knives at our recycling centres.
Laughing gas canisters and dispensers should not be disposed of at home. Take canisters and bottles up to 15kg in size to your local recycling centre.
Lawn mowers can be taken to your local recycling centre. For petrol mowers, all fuel must be emptied prior to disposing of it.
You can dispose of leather items such as clothes, shoes and accessories at our recycling centres for reuse and recycling.
Take fluorescent tubes and low energy light bulbs to our recycling centres.
How to dispose of lighters.
You can put magazines in your home recycling bin or bring them to your local recycling centre.
Mattresses can be taken to your local recycling centre and placed in the general waste container.
Empty blister packs, medicine bottles, and cardboard packaging can be placed in your household recycling bin. If any packaging still contains medicine, take it to your chemist for safe disposal.
Place empty metal cans and aerosols in your recycling bin at home.
You can dispose of bulky metal items at our recycling centres.
Broken and unwanted mobile phones can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
Take TVs and monitors to your local recycling centre.
Only motor oil from domestic households will be accepted at your local recycling centre.
Dispose of nappies in your general household waste.
You can put newspapers in your home recycling bin or bring them to your local recycling centre.
NOS canisters should not be disposed of at home. Take canisters to your local recycling centre.
Do not dispose of oil at home. All of our recycling centres accept engine oil and some accept cooking oil.
Ovens can be taken to your local recycling centre.
What you do with your packaging depends on what it's made of. Much packaging can be recycled, but bubble wrap, shredded paper, film lids and items made of polystyrene need to be put in general waste.
You can dispose of paint at our recycling centres. Take the paint, in the original container to the site and check the label for information. Flammable paints are hazardous.
Paper can go in your recycling bin at home or be taken to your local recycling centre.
Paper towels, kitchen roll and tissues are often coated with food residues and other substances, making them unsuitable for recycling. Put them in your general waste bin.
How to dispose of pet food pouches.
Up to 25 litres of petrol and diesel can be disposed of at our recycling centre.
Old photographs cannot be recycled because of the plastic coating. You can put them in your general waste at home or take them to your local recycling centre.
Take pillows and cushions to your local recycling centre.
Hard plastics such as pipes cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Hard plastics such as plant pots cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
You can dispose of up to 200kg of DIY building, construction and demolition materials at our recycling centre.
Plastic bags cannot be put in your recycling bin at home. In West Sussex the only plastic items we can recycle are plastic bottles and containers.
All plastic bottles (for example drinks, bathroom and detergent bottles), squashed and with lids replaced.
Hard plastics such as plastic garden toys cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Hard plastics such as plastic patio furniture cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Hard plastics such as plastic storage containers cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Many plastic vending cups can be placed in your home recycling, unless they are made of polystyrene or styrofoam which can't be recycled.
Some items can go in your recycling bin but others need to go in general waste.
Although expanded polystyrene is a form of plastic, it cannot be recycled as there are no secure or sustainable markets for it. Please throw away expanded polystyrene with your general rubbish.
Stopped popping? Time to recycle in your home recycling bin or at your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of pumpkins at home or by taking them to your local recycling centre.
Take quilts to your local recycling centre.
Do not dispose of these items at home.
Don't dispose of rubble at home. Take it to a recycling centre that accepts it.
Don't dispose of saucepans at home. Take them to your local recycling centre.
Don't dispose of scrap metal, such as screws, poles, pegs and so on at home. Take them to your local recycling centre.
Don't dispose of shoes at home. Take them to your local recycling centre.
Shredded paper is paper that has been cut with scissors or shredded as part of a mechanical process into small strips or pieces. It must go in your general waste bin at home but can be taken to your local recycling centre for recycling if you pack it in a cardboard box.
Don't dispose of soil and hardcore at home. Take it to a recycling centre that accepts it.
You can dispose of up to 25 litres of solvents at our recycling centre.
Spectacles can be disposed of in your general waste or taken to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of these at home in your recycling bin, but consider finding out if your favourite charity accepts stamp donations - many do.
You can dispose of storage heaters at any of our recycling centres.
Recycle your sweet tins at home or take them to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of takeaway coffee cups at home. Some can go in your recycling bin but others need to go in general waste.
You can dispose of takeaway food containers at any of our recycling centres.
Broken and unwanted TVs and monitors can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
Place Tetra Pak cartons in your recycling bin at home.
You can dispose of textiles at our recycling centres for reuse and recycling.
You can take old or unwanted tools to your local recycling centre.
Empty plastic squeezy toothpaste tubes can be recycled in your home recycling bin. Please ensure they are as empty as possible and that lids are replaced before placing them in the recycling bin.
You can take old or unwanted toys to your local recycling centre or, if they're in good condition, consider donating them to a local preschool, parent-toddler group, or charity shop.
You can dispose of plastic traffic cones and barriers at all of our recycling centres.
You can recycle trigger sprays when they are attached to clean, empty bottles.
For a small charge, you can dispose of tyres arising from household use at our recycling centres.
Do not dispose of oil at home. All of our recycling centres accept engine oil and some accept cooking oil.
Take broken or unwanted vacuum cleaners to your local recycling centre.
Broken and unwanted vapes can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
Take video cassettes to your local recycling centre.
What to do with old vinyl records.
Walking aids can be recycled at our recycling centres.
Wallpaper cannot go in your recycling bin as there are different types of wallpaper and not all of them are made from just paper. There may be residue of adhesives, paint or plaster on the paper, along with special coatings that mean it cannot be recycled.
Bring waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to your local recycling centre.
You can dispose of plastic water butts at all of our recycling centres.
Hard plastics such as wheelie bins cannot be recycled. Please use the general waste container at your local Recycling Centre.
Window panes can't be recycled. You can dispose of them at our recycling centres.
Wipes cannot be recycled because they are made from a mix of materials and are often wet or dirty. Put them in your general waste bin.
Small amounts of wood generated from a household can be recycled at your local recycling centre. You can recycle wood such as pallets, packaging wood, painted wood, chipboard and MDF. Place these items in the wood container at your local centre.
Most cards and wrapping paper - unless they are glittery, metallic or foil based - can go in your recycling bin at home.
Yellow Pages, telephone directories and catalogues can be placed in your recycling bin.
Do not dispose of household batteries at home. Take them to your local recycling centre or see if a local shop or supermarket have a collection point for them.