Planning applications
How to request planning permission and details of current applications.
Local land charges
Learn about local land charge searches when buying or leasing property.
Tree Preservation Orders
Find out what you need to know before doing any work on a tree.
Local environmental projects
Details of current and scheduled environmental projects in West Sussex.
Conservation areas
Where they are and if you need to apply for planning permission.
Planning - who does what?
Find out what is dealt with by us, the district and borough councils, and the South Downs National Park Authority.
Oil and gas
View current and permitted planning applications and information about hydrocarbon extraction.
Neighbourhood planning
Guidance for communities that are deciding the future of the places where they live and work.
Planning enforcement
Report unauthorised mineral and waste activity.
Request a search of petroleum storage records
We can check our archive for evidence of historic petrol storage at a given address.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs)
Find out about the three NSIPs in West Sussex and the role of the County Council.
Water Neutrality
Find out about the policy and whether you need to supply a statement with your planning application.
Landscape and environment
Request a Historic Environment Record or Sussex Historic Landscape Characterisation search.
Minerals and waste policy
Policies and plans to guide where mineral and waste developments take place.