1 Browser compatibility
Our website is designed to be compatible with most modern browsers.
We support Internet Explorer (IE) 9 and above, and the latest versions of modern browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
You can download the latest versions of the most frequently used browsers free of charge from their websites:
3 Audio and video content
Audio clips on this website are in MP3 format. Free players are available to download to enable you to listen to these clips if your computer does not already have a player installed.
Most audio players are MP3 compatible including RealPlayer, Windows Media Player (version 7 onwards) and Winamp.
To listen to a clip click on the 'Play' button. If it does not automatically start playing, try right-clicking on the 'Play' button and selecting 'Save Target As...' (PC), or hold down the 'Ctrl' key, left click on your mouse and select 'Download link to disk' (MAC) from the drop-down menu that appears and save the file to your desktop. You should then be able to listen to it directly from there.
Our website features a number of videos, which are either:
- YouTube embedded videos or
- Windows Media Videos (WMV).
YouTube videos
If you are watching one of our videos that has been added to YouTube, you will get the option at the end of the video to watch similar videos. Please note that these recommended videos are not WSCC videos.
If you require a transcript of an audio or video file contact our Communications Team.
4 Beta testing
The ‘beta’ label on some of our pages means you’re looking at the first version of a new service or web page.
During beta our pages are continually tested and improved.
You can provide feedback and tell us what you think by clicking on the link in the orange banner.
5 Downloading and viewing PDFs
Documents are made available in a variety of formats for web users to download. Some documents are stored in a format called PDF (Portable Document Format) files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is the software that allows you to view and print PDF files.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (external link)If you encounter any error messages when trying to open a PDF visit the Adobe website.
Opening links in PDFs on iOS devices
To make links in a PDF you are viewing active:
- make sure the free iBooks app is on your iPhone/iPad
- tap anywhere on the PDF - a bar will briefly appear above the PDF
- tap the ‘Open in…’ option on the top right
- tap the option to ‘Open in iBooks’.
The PDF will now be added in your iBooks collection and links will be active.
- When you view a link to a webpage make sure you return to the iBook to view other active links. You can do this by double-clicking the button at the bottom of the device to view all your open windows and then selecting the iBook. This will display with the word ‘Library’ in the top left corner so you know you are on the iBook.
- If a link takes you to another PDF with links in it, simply repeat this process with each PDF.
- You can close down each PDF or webpage you open by tapping the double square on the top right-hand corner of the page and then closing it via the ‘x’ as usual.
6 Links to external sites
Our website contains links to third-party sites; these are provided to offer more information which you may like to explore.
The County Council is not responsible for the content of other websites. Our inclusion of a link to a third party website should not be considered as an endorsement of their content, products or services, or agreement with any views expressed on the site.
How we choose our links
We review our external links regularly. Websites we link to must:
- contain high quality, accurate and reliable information
- be relevant and suitable for the audience
- be produced by a reputable organisation
- be updated regularly
- be freely available.
We do not link to external sites in return for cash or services. We use our discretion when deciding whether to use a link. Meeting our criteria is not a guarantee that we will include them.
If there is a link you think could be useful, submit it for us to consider adding to the site. Use the feedback form on our pages to send us your request.
7 iMap help
Guidance on using the public rights of way iMap can be found as a supporting document on the page linked to below.
See 'How to use the iMap'8 Keeping up to date with our latest news
Follow the link below to find information about the email alerts and eNewsletters we send, including how to:
- sign up
- add or remove topics from your subscription
- unsubscribe.