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Find out about recycling in West Sussex

Electrical equipment

How to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

A microwave and other waste electrical appliances in a container at a recycling centre.

Any items that require batteries or need to be plugged into the mains to work are classed as WEEE. This stands for 'waste electrical and electronic equipment'. Do not dispose of these items at home. Take this waste to your local recycling centre (RC).

  • Which RC container

    Use one of the special waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) containers.

    All our recycling centres have containers for WEEE for:

    • florescent tubes and bulbs
    • fridges and freezers (this area now includes heat pump tumble dryers)
    • TVs and computer monitors (any big screens)
    • large domestic appliances, such as tumble dryers (not containing heat pump), cookers, dishwashers, washing machines
    • small domestic appliances - all small electrical items, such as microwaves and items with integrated batteries, such as electric toothbrushes.

    Check with staff at the centre if you are unsure where to place your item.

  • Which RC accept this waste

    All our recycling centres accept WEEE.

  • Safety information

    • WEEE items must not be thrown away with your rubbish as they often contain substances which are hazardous and must be disposed of in a controlled environment.
    • For computers, laptops, mobile phones and data storage items, our centres are not data safe. You must ensure any personal information and data is removed before disposal.
  • Further information

    • WEEE contains valuable and reusable materials such as metals, plastic and glass. Items can be broken down and recycled into new products.
    • Collection services for small electrical items such as irons, kettles and toasters are offered by some district and borough councils:
    • Adur and Worthing
    • Arun
    • Chichester
    • Crawley
    • Horsham
    • Mid Sussex
  • You could also...

    • take your item to a local repair shop to give it new life.
    • donate it to charity, sell it, or give it away through a local community site if it's in good, working condition.
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