Email alerts and eNewsletters

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Signing up for our email alerts means you don’t need to check our website to find out the latest information. Instead, it will be delivered free, straight to your inbox.

Some of our topics include:

  • Emergencies - extreme weather alerts and school closures
  • Jobs - the latest County Council vacancies and jobs in childcare
  • Your Council - County Council meeting dates, agenda and minutes
  • Service eNewsletters such as:
    • WSCC newsletter, a general update about the council and its services
    • West Sussex recycles
    • Staying safe online
    • Environment and climate change
    • Highways, transport and planning.

Sign up!

It’s easy to subscribe. Simply follow the link below, enter your email address and then select from the list of topics. You can also provide an optional password to protect your preferences if you wish.

Subscribe and select your preferences (external link)

Throughout our website you will also see links inviting you to subscribe to specific topics.

If you are a business, you can also find out how to advertise in one our eNewsletters.

Manage your choices

You can easily change what you have signed up to. Simply:

  • use your email address (and password if you've opted to use one) to log in
  • select the topics you want to add or remove
  • select 'Submit'.

How to unsubscribe

If you decide you want to unsubscribe completely:

  • use your email address (and password if you've opted to use one) to log in
  • select 'Delete my account'.

Further assistance can be found on the subscriber help page.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.