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Find out about recycling in West Sussex


How to dispose of tools.

Tools, including a spanner and a powered drill, on a table.

Do not dispose of old or unwanted tools at home. Take this waste to your local recycling centre (RC).

  • Which RC container

    • For metal tools, use the scrap metal container.
    • For power tools, use the containers for electrical appliances.
  • Which RC accept this waste

    All our recycling centres accept tools.

  • Further information

    If you require further assistance, please ask a member of staff at the centre or contact Waste Management Services on 01243 642106.

  • You could also...

    • consider donating tools. Hand tools (except gardening tools) are collected, refurbished and shipped to under-developed countries by the charity Tools for Self Reliance.
Last updated:
24 June 2024
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