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Find out about recycling in West Sussex


How to dispose of computers, laptops and computer accessories.

An old laptop.

Any items that require batteries or need to be plugged into the mains to work are classed as WEEE. This stands for 'waste electrical and electronic equipment'. Do not dispose of these items at home. Take this waste to your local recycling centre (RC).

  • Which RC container

    Use the special waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) container.

  • Which RC accept this waste

    All our recycling centres accept computers.

  • Safety information

    Our sites are not data safe. You must ensure any personal information and data is removed before disposal.

  • You could also...

    • take your item to a local repair shop to give it new life.
    • donate it to charity, sell it, or give it away through a local community site if it's in good, working condition.
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