A to Z
Find information through our A-Z list of key topics.
- Safeguarding concerns - adult
- Safeguarding concerns - child
- Safety cameras
- Safety training for businesses
- Scaffolding licence
- School admissions
- School admissions appeals
- School age ranges and year groups
- School and college transport
- School attendance and behaviour
- School catchment areas
- School closures
- School Crossing Patrol jobs
- School drop-off and pickup
- School governor - become a
- School inset days
- School jobs
- School leaving age
- School meals to purchase
- School Ofsted inspections
- School places - address information
- School places - allocation
- School places - exceptional and compelling requests
- School places - key dates for primary, infant and junior school
- School places - key dates for secondary school
- School places - looked after/previously looked after children
- School places - moving house
- School places - parental responsibility
- School places outside of West Sussex
- School policy and reports
- School term dates
- School waiting lists
- Schools and colleges - general information
- Schools, academies and colleges - establishment details
- Scrutiny committees
- Search for childcare providers
- Search for Nanny agencies
- Seasonal safety advice
- Section 50 street works licence
- SEND Local Offer
- SEND Tools for Schools
- Senior Leadership Team
- Sensory impairment support for children
- Shared Lives scheme
- Sheltered housing
- Shoreham Airshow inquest
- Shoreham Recycling Centre
- Sign applications
- Sign in
- Skip licence
- Snow and ice
- Social care and health information for professionals
- Social care publications, policies and reports
- Social care support
- Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Assessment Services privacy notice
- Speed hump regulations and consent
- Speeding and speed limits
- Spillages on the highway
- Staff changes
- Start a childcare business
- Stillbirth registration
- Street care and cleaning
- Street lighting faults
- Street trading licence
- Sufficiency update
- Supported Lodgings
- Sussex Community Search Team
- Last updated:
- 24 June 2024