Key dates
Primary, infant and junior school places
Offers will be sent out on:
Key primary, infant and junior datesApply
Moving school
Apply to change your child's school during the school year (in-year admission).
Starting school places
Apply for a September 2025 Reception year primary or infant school place.
Junior school places
Apply for a September 2025 Year 3 junior school place.
Secondary school places
Apply to start Year 7 at secondary school in September 2025.
SEND school places
How to apply for a school place if your child has special educational needs.
Admission of children outside their normal year group
Apply for your child to be educated outside their normal year group.
School places outside of West Sussex
How to apply for a school place outside of West Sussex.
Make an admissions appeal
Appeal against a decision to refuse your child a place at your preferred school.
Find a school
School age ranges and year groups
Details of school year groups.
Contact Pupil Admissions
Find out how to contact your area Pupil Admissions office
How school places are allocated
How we administer school places in West Sussex.
Moving house during an allocation round
Guidance if you are moving house during an allocation round or after places have been allocated.
School admission policies
Read the admissions and oversubscription criteria.
School waiting lists
Information on waiting lists for a place at your preferred school.
Applying for a place under the exceptional and compelling category
How to request priority for a place at your preferred school.
Parental responsibility, disputes and access to information
What parents or carers need to do when applying for a school place.
School places for looked after and previously looked after children
Who can apply for a school place for a child who is or was formally looked after.
Address information for school places
Your child's address when applying for a school place.
School transport
Help with travel to and from school, sixth form or college.
Supporting your child as they prepare for school
Information and guidance about starting school.