Primary schools
Primary schools provide hot meals at lunchtime. You can purchase a school meal in advance for your child using the links below. In some schools you can also order means-tested free school meals or Universal infant free school meals (years R-2) for your child, depending what school they attend.
- If your child’s school is catered for by Chartwells, you can order all meals, and meal choices, online. Find out more about Chartwells.
- If your child's school is catered for by The Easy Lunch Company, you can find out more and order meals.
Secondary schools
Secondary schools have a cafeteria system where a set amount is credited to a 'smart card' or similar system. This system may differ depending on which school your child attends. Please talk to your child’s school for specific details.
Special schools
Special school menus can be found on your child’s school website. Contact your child’s school for further details and to pay for meals.