Spillages on the highway

Report spillages such as oil or mud on the highway.

Spillages on trunk roads

Major trunk roads (A27, A23 and M23) are the responsibility of National Highways and any problems on these roads should be reported directly to them.

Oil, diesel or petrol 

If one of these substances has been spilt on a public highway - a road, pavement or verge - following a road traffic accident, call the police on 101. They will notify us of the problem.

If rivers or ditches have been polluted, it may be necessary to involve the Environment Agency.

Dangerous substances

If something has been spilled from a container do not touch it under any circumstances as there could be a risk to life and the environment.

Notify us of the spillage using the number below.


If mud has been dropped on the highway it is the duty of the person responsible to remove it as soon as possible. Reports of mud on the highway will be assessed by the local area highways office to decide whether temporary warning signs are required. 

Notify us of the spillage using the number below.

Last updated:
26 September 2024
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