Request support or raise a concern about a child

Request support or raise a concern if you’re worried that a child or young person is at risk or is being abused.

1 Raising an immediate or urgent concern about a child

Safeguarding is the protection of a person's health, wellbeing and rights. The Integrated Front Door (IFD) for West Sussex Children Services receive safeguarding enquiries and referrals for children's social care and early help services, including those with disabilities.

The IFD receive enquiries and direct them to the right service for support, ensuring children receive a service in line with their needs as quickly as possible.


If you think a child is at immediate risk of harm call 999.

Office hours (Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm)

If you are unsure what support you require or have an urgent safeguarding concern that requires a same day response, phone: 01403 229900.

Out of hours enquiries (weekends and bank holidays)

Contact our Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.

If you experience difficulty contacting this number, phone: 07711 769657 (Does not accept text messages). This will connect you to the duty Social Worker.

Other welfare concerns about a child or young person

For all enquiries that are less immediate in nature, use the appropriate link:

Emotional wellbeing or mental health concerns

To request support for a child or young person, use the West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA).

The SPoA directs you to the right service. If there are safeguarding concerns as well, contact the IFD.

2 Concerns about an adult working or volunteering with children

Concerns about inappropriate behaviour of an adult working or volunteering with children are handled by the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

Report any such concerns using the LADO referral form on the West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSSCP) website.

If you want to speak to LADO for advice, contact the team:

3 Concerns relating to an adult and a child

If you have concerns about a vulnerable adult, you will need to complete an adult safeguarding referral form. Any child linked to the vulnerable adult will need to be referred to Children’s Services separately using the IFD portal form.

Last updated:
7 August 2024
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