About school term dates
School term and holiday dates are usually set over 18 months in advance of the academic year. We liaise with neighbouring authorities, headteachers, union representatives and the Diocese to secure the best alignment of dates across the region.
Term dates are based on a school year of around 195 days, although individual schools can use 5 of these days for staff training inset days.
We are required to set school term and holiday dates for maintained and voluntary-controlled schools.
Term dates may not apply to academies, further education and sixth form colleges in West Sussex, or to schools in the independent sector. More information can be obtained on the individual college or school website.
Locally, school and teaching representative bodies consult each other about term dates before they are finalised.
Additional information
Term dates are only held for 3 years as part of our disposal policy. If you need any other dates contact your child's school.