Lyminster Bypass (North)

Details of the design and construction of a new bypass of the A284 Lyminster Road.

(Position at June 2024)

Advance notice of nightworks on A284 Lyminster Road - closure in place

From the evening of Monday 1 July until the morning on Saturday 6 July 2024, there will be nightworks happening on A284 Lyminster Road taking place between 8.00pm until 6.00am. There may be periods of noisy activities within the site working area during these times.

The nightworks are to facilitate the construction of the tie-in from the existing A284 Lyminster Road, to the new bypass.

Due to the works, there will be a full road closure starting at 8.00pm, reopening at 6.00am the following morning. Please see the extent of the full road closure.

Traffic coming from the south (Morrisons) will be able to access as far as the site compound junction, with the exception of resident access.

Traffic coming from the north (A27 services) will be able to access just past the Brewhouse Project, with the exception of resident access.

There will be a diversion route in place whilst these works are progressing. Please see diversion route below.

It will not be possible to use the closed section of the A284 where the new bypass connects with the existing A284, during the night-time closures.

Residents who live north of Brookfield stream will not be able to go south through the nightworks, likewise, residents south of Brookfield stream will not be able to go north through the nightworks. Residents will have access to their properties throughout the nightworks, however, will need to take the appropriate route to access.

Diversion route

For residents north of the closure who wish to access Lyminster during closure times, please use A27 east towards Brighton, then exit for the A280 following diversion signage until the A259 roundabout. You can then turn right and follow A259 until Wick Roundabout with the A284.

For residents south of the closure who wish to access the A27, please head south on the A284 towards Wick Roundabout, then left onto the A259 towards Worthing, then left onto the A280 until it joins the A27 where you can proceed east or west.

Traffic Management will be updated on the website as well as on West Sussex County Council’s Highways Twitter account @WSHighways.


The A284 is an important north-south link road from the A27 at Crossbush, providing access to Littlehampton and, to a lesser extent, Bognor Regis.

Journey times and accessibility are affected by the Wick level crossing, which causes delays to traffic in both directions and can impact on the junction with the A259.

The bypass is proposed to improve safety and accessibility as well as contributing to regeneration in the Littlehampton and Bognor Regis areas.

The proposed scheme

West Sussex County Council is responsible for delivering the northern half of the Lyminster Bypass, which will alleviate traffic issues through Lyminster village.

The bypass will link to the existing A284 from a point approximately 600m south of the A27 at Crossbush and join the privately developed section of the same proposed bypass at Toddington nurseries.

The proposed bypass will be a 7.3m wide single dual carriageway with verge on one side and a shared footway/cycleway facility on the other. The footway/cycleway will connect to existing and proposed facilities along the southern half of the bypass and A259.

The existing public bridleway will be maintained with a Pegasus Crossing, provided to ensure the safety of equestrians, cyclists and pedestrians.

A new viaduct will be constructed over Black Ditch and its associated flood plain to ensure that there is no increase in flood risk. The existing culvert will be extended at Brookfield Stream. 

Surface water run-off from the proposed construction will discharge at greenfield run-off rates via the existing catchments.

As far as is possible, the scheme will be constructed off-line from the existing road network to minimise disruption to road users during the works.

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Benefits of the bypass

The benefits of constructing the proposed bypass encompass both local improvements and strategic objectives.

Locally, the bypass will alleviate traffic congestion through Wick and Lyminster. This will improve safety and the reliability of journey times as well as decreasing pollution levels through the village.

More strategically, the bypass is linked to the provision of 1,260 new homes and 700 new jobs.

With the improved cyclist and pedestrian facilities, it is hoped that more people will be encouraged to undertake local trips on foot or by bike.

Public engagement

A public consultation exercise was undertaken in September 2014 with 61 per cent of respondents in favour of the scheme, although it is noted that 31 per cent did not support the scheme and the remaining 9 per cent did not express an opinion.

Residents were also consulted on two options for the tie-in of the existing A284 to the proposed bypass with:

  • Option 1 (the most northerly option) selected following results of 51 per cent in favour
  • Option 2 favoured by 11 per cent, whilst 28 per cent had no preference and 10 per cent responded ‘don’t know’.

Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

Following the advertising of a Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Roads Order for this scheme, a Public Inquiry was held in August 2021. On 16 September 2021 the Secretary for Transport gave notice he had confirmed both orders with modifications.

Business case

There has been approval from the Department for Transport of the funding bid for £11.8m.

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Archaeology works on site were completed in December 2022.

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Main construction works commenced on 24 October 2022 and the scheme completion is currently forecast for Autumn 2024.

Monthly construction updates


Current activities are:

  • part of the prefabricated culvert has been installed and the surrounding areas is being backfilled
  • groundworks on the new road connecting the Bypass and Lyminster Road have begun
  • waterproofing of the viaduct deck, prior to concrete being placed on top
  • soil mixing to the south of the viaduct structure to improve soil quality.

Traffic management and closures

  • Traffic signals will be in use intermittently as required, on Lyminster Road until September 2024. This will generally be 2-way traffic lights on the southbound carriageway between 9.30am until 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Traffic Management will be updated on the website as well as on West Sussex County Council’s Highways twitter account @WSHighways.
Last updated:
24 June 2024
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