Burgess Hill Western Gateway and Stations

Details of the Western Gateway and Stations Improvements scheme.

(Position at 25 September 2023)

The Burgess Hill Western Gateway and Stations Improvements scheme is part of the Mid Sussex Growth Deal. The scheme is a £4.67 million investment in delivering sustainable transport and improvement to public spaces through Burgess Hill town centre and Wivelsfield Station.

They are priority projects within the ongoing delivery of the wider Burgess Hill Place and Connectivity Programme (Burgesshill.net). This is a package of projects being delivered by both Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to deliver safe, direct and attractive walking and cycling routes and high quality public spaces.


Improvements have been made through the Western Gateway and Stations Improvement schemes, together with links to the wider network provided by the Place and Connectivity Programme. These will enable travellers to use modes of transport other than cars for short distance and commuting trips. This will relieve congestion on the town's existing road network, improving road safety and journey times.

The Burgess Hill Western Gateway and Stations Improvement scheme is a key element of the Mid Sussex Growth Programme. The scheme has:

  • improved access to and within the town centre, ensuring development is connected to key facilities, particularly for pedestrians and cycles
  • created safe, direct and attractive routes to encourage greater use of walking, cycling and public transport
  • enhanced the quality of facilities for public transport interchange at Burgess Hill and Wivelsfield Stations
  • provided capacity improvement and altered junctions, taking into account the level of development and expected changes in traffic volumes. There scheme has also improved public realm on the Queen Elizabeth Avenue and Station Road corridor.

The scheme will also support the local, regional and national recovery from the impact of COVID-19 in providing pedestrian and cycle infrastructure links between key destinations in Burgess Hill. This will encourage changing travel patterns for local journeys and give access to new homes and jobs.

Public engagement and decision-making

The scheme was designed to deliver aspirations contained within the Burgess Hill Town-wide Strategy and the Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Plan.

Public Engagement on the Place and Connectivity Programme and the Western Gateway and Stations Improvements took place in May and June 2020. Engagement has now concluded and you can read the engagement report on the BurgessHill.net website.

A key executive decision in October 2021 approved the tender for a contractor to deliver the Western Gateway and Stations Improvements scheme. This was awarded to Landbuild Ltd in January 2022.

Location of the schemes

The Western Gateway and Burgess Hill Stations scheme extend from the B2036 London Road to the B2133 Keymer Road. It also included Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Station Road and the Keymer Road roundabout. The scheme has also delivered surface water drainage improvements in Queens Crescent.

The Wivelsfield Station element extended from the Junction Road/Leylands Road junction through to the existing signalled pedestrian crossing to the west of the railway underpass. All works are now complete with the exception of minor snagging.

The video below is a flythrough of the Burgess Hill Station, Western Gateway and Wivelsfield Station works. It shows a representation of road users and pedestrians correctly navigating the new road layouts.

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You can find detailed FAQs, maps, a video flythrough and plans in the supporting documents below.


Thank you for your patience during the works. The works have now completed. However, the site is being continuously monitored and reviewed where needed.

Ongoing actions

  • Review of signage.
  • Snagging works.
  • Refreshing vegetation.

Supporting documents

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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