A24 Robin Hood junction improvement

Details of the design and construction of the A24 Robin Hood junction improvements.

(Position at 1 May 2024)


West of Horsham, south of Broadbridge Heath village, has seen a large expansion of housing since 2010.

Part of the planning approval of the housing included the developer providing funding for changes to the roundabout at A24 Robin Hood junction. This formed part of a formal planning agreement.

The junction is impacted by traffic congestion in the morning and evening peak hours. This will continue to increase as the development areas are built, and with the general increase in background traffic.

Completed scheme

WSCC is responsible for the design and delivery of the junction improvement, which had consisted of:

  • widening of the A24 in the southbound direction from two lanes to four lanes
  • widening of the A24 in the northbound direction from two lanes to three lanes
  • widening of the exit from Warnham Road on to the roundabout
  • traffic signal control on the A24 approaches and on the Warnham Road, with traffic signal control on the roundabout
  • provision of a signalised 'Toucan' crossing across the Northbound exit of the A24 (towards A24 Great Daux)
  • improved footway and cycleway connection Warnham Road to Robin Hood Lane and the Public Right of Way.


The scheme provides benefits through:

  • providing increased road capacity at the junction to allow for increased traffic due to local developments and through traffic
  • the provision of traffic lights with sensors, which adjust signal timings according to queuing levels to help ease congestion, on signalled approaches (not Robin Hood Lane) will help manage flows in the peak and off-peak periods
  • new crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists linking Warnham Park and the Public Right of Way with Warnham Road via new Toucan crossings.

Public engagement

This was completed as part of the developer's planning application/permission during 2009 and 2010.

Reference should be made to Horsham District Council Planning.


Landbuild Ltd completed their advanced works as programmed at the end of November 2020 for the advanced vegetation clearance and drainage investigations/remedials at the junction. Utility investigations have also been completed.

An additional landscape and planting plan has been added (see below), which outlines the landscape mitigation that has been included in the scheme. Bat boxes were also provided as part of the advanced works to replace potential roosts lost due to the initial clearance works.

The main works project was started on 6 April 2021, with switch on of the traffic signals on 1 September 2021, which was slightly ahead of schedule.

Full completion was achieved at the end of September 2021 and then a period of maintenance and minor remedials is now ongoing and a Road Safety Audit 3 review was completed in October 2021.

The landscape planting was completed in November 2021.


1 June 2023

The scheme was finished at the end of November 2021 on the completion of the Landscape planting works.

Landscape maintenance now falls under WSCC policies and management processes.

The Highway Authority continues to monitor the traffic signals and timings.

Supporting documents

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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