Apply for transport to school
Free school transport
Find out if your child aged 4-16 years is eligible to free school transport and how to apply.
Paid school transport
Apply for a concessionary 'spare' seat sometimes available on school transport.
Post-16 and college transport for students with SEND
Find out if you can get help with travel costs to college or sixth form.
School transport for children with SEND
Who to contact with your transport queries if your child has special educational needs or disabilities.
Personal Transport Budget for children with SEND
If your child has special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) you may be able to get money to help them get to school.
Help with transport to school
School bus routes and timetables
Service information for students eligible to free transport or using public bus routes.
Planning your journey
Find bus and train routes, timetables and other journey planning resources.
Replace a lost or stolen school travel pass
How to apply for a replacement school bus or train pass.
School transport enquiry form for parents and carers
Online enquiry form for school transport.
Become a WSCC passenger transport provider
How to join and participate in the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to become a WSCC transport provider.