School catchment areas
The information on this page relates to catchment areas defined by West Sussex County Council for starting school, junior and secondary transfer.
All Catholic schools and some Church of England schools, Free schools and Academies in West Sussex have either a parish or other church related catchment area, or no specific catchment area. As these schools do not use a West Sussex County Council defined catchment area, they will not appear on this search. A list of these schools is available on our Schools without a catchment area page.
Some West Sussex County Council defined catchment areas changed for 2025/26. This checker does not yet show the 2025/26 catchments for Fishbourne CofE Primary School, Jessie Younghusband Primary School and Parklands Community Primary School in Chichester. This will be updated before the Starting School 2025 applications open in October.
To find the location of all schools in West Sussex, see Find your nearest local school.
Please contact us if you have any queries or you cannot use the map.