Our progress in tackling climate change
Since 2019, we have been working towards becoming a carbon neutral and climate resilient organisation by 2030, and we have made strong progress to date.
Between 2019/20 and 2022/23, we reduced our carbon emissions by 19%.
In 2023/2024, we updated the scope of our emissions baseline and reporting to better reflect the council’s responsibilities.
We are aiming to reduce our carbon emissions by 36% between 2023/24 and 2026/27.
All directorates within the council are contributing to reducing our impact on climate change. Here are some examples of key projects that we have completed to date:
- decarbonised key council assets across West Sussex, including fire stations, libraries and an adult day care centre
- generating renewable energy on West Sussex County Council assets including two scale large solar farms and 80 schools
- invested in 43 low carbon hydrogen buses for West Sussex and surrounding areas
- installed 21 cycling infrastructure schemes, totalling 21.7km, and 36km of footpaths
- supported businesses in West Sussex to transition to a low carbon economy via the Low Carbon Across the South and East (LoCASE) programme. 84 grants, totalling £698,762, were awarded throughout the programme
- prevented over 37 tonnes of food going to waste and provided food to over 11,000 people
- supporting local communities by funding over 400 flooding projects to a value in excess of £4m and working with nearly 150 groups
Linked strategies, policies and plans
- Our Council Plan - West Sussex County Council
- Energy Strategy - West Sussex County Council
- Air quality - West Sussex County Council
- West Sussex Transport Plan - West Sussex County Council
- Electric vehicles - West Sussex County Council
- West Sussex Chargepoint Network
- Waste Local Plan - West Sussex County Council
- Joint Minerals Local Plan - West Sussex County Council
- West Sussex Tree Plan
- Sussex Nature Recovery
- Ash dieback - West Sussex County Council
- Water Neutrality
- West Sussex Recycles