West Sussex Tree Plan

The strategy to ensure that trees within the County Council’s ownership are maintained, protected and improved.

The trees of West Sussex are a valuable and essential element of our urban and rural landscape, contributing significantly to the character of the county. They also provide other economic, social and environmental benefits, all of which contribute to our quality of life.

The West Sussex Tree Plan addresses how we will undertake our statutory duties and responsibilities and operate as a landowner. The Plan seeks to ensure that the trees within our ownership are maintained, protected and improved for current and future generations. It also seeks to influence how the wider tree resource within the county is managed and improved.

The three strategic aims are to:

  • maintain the trees and woodlands in our ownership
  • protect trees and woodlands from new development and other threats
  • improve tree cover in West Sussex through natural regeneration, the planting of new trees and the creation of new woodlands.

To deliver the strategic aims, five objectives have been identified, each of which is supported by key actions to be undertaken by the County Council:

  1. Better data management and evidence-based decision-making.
  2. Establishing and embedding policies and processes.
  3. Managing the impacts of Ash Dieback and other tree pests and diseases.
  4. Identifying opportunities for investment and income generation.
  5. Working with partners and supporting communities and individuals.

Our focus is on the delivery of the key actions over the next five years. Where possible, the opportunity will be taken to secure external sources of funding and generate additional income to deliver the Plan. We will also continue working in partnership with:

  • other authorities
  • agencies
  • statutory bodies
  • landowners
  • other key stakeholders.
West Sussex Tree Plan (PDF, 222KB)
Last updated:
14 October 2022
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