We set out the county council’s vision for active travel and outline our approach to identifying, prioritising and delivering walking, wheeling and cycling improvements in the strategy document below.
West Sussex Active Travel Strategy 2024-2036 (PDF, 2.6MB)This strategy contributes to wider council objectives detailed in the West Sussex Transport Plan and Our Council Plan.
To support the government’s aspirations for active travel, as set out in Gear Change and the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, ‘every day journeys’ such as commuting to work and travelling to school are a key priority for the county council.
We identify active travel schemes in a number of ways, including through our:
- strategic transport investment programme
- local transport improvements programme
- local growth programmes
- public rights of way programme
- local cycling and walking infrastructure plans
- community highways schemes
Each year we prioritise schemes for inclusion in the Highways, Transport and Planning Delivery Programme.
Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans
Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans (LCWIPs) are a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at the local level.
They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks and form a vital part of the government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle.
While the preparation of LCWIPs is not mandatory, local authorities who have plans are well placed to make the case for future investment.
The West Sussex LCWIP, which forms part of our Active Travel Strategy, features 6 long-distance routes. It is designed to complement aspirations identified in the LCWIPs developed by some of the district and borough councils.
Taken together these documents form the basis of county-wide walking, wheeling, and cycling improvements. They will also support bids for external investment, help to direct internal funding, and help secure improvements associated with future development sites.
A prioritised list of all the LCWIP routes in West Sussex is shown in 'Appendix A' of the West Sussex LCWIP below. We will regularly review the list as new LCWIPs are developed.
West Sussex LCWIP (PDF, 6.9MB)You can find information about other LCWIP areas on the relevant council's website:
Other aspirations
We have retained the list of suggested routes from the West Sussex Walking and Cycling Strategy 2015-2026, the predecessor to the West Sussex Active Travel Strategy 2024-2036.
We will commission feasibility studies on these routes as funding and resources allow. We prioritise schemes where developer contributions are available to fund initial investigations and scheme development.
Current projects
You can find more information about projects currently being delivered on our active travel projects, growth deals, and roadworks and projects pages.