We have worked in partnership with the South Downs National Park Authority to produce the West Sussex Waste Local Plan. Formally adopted by both authorities in April 2014, the plan covers the period to 2031 and is the most up-to-date statement of land use planning policy for waste.
The plan provides the basis for making consistent decisions about planning applications for waste management facilities.
The aspiration to become a zero waste to landfill county is a key element of the plan. The aim is to ensure that communities, environment and economy of West Sussex are protected.
The plan sets out four key areas which will help shape the future of waste management waste in West Sussex:
- a vision and strategic objectives for sustainable waste management
- nine policies to achieve the strategic objectives for the management of different waste types (Policies 1-9)
- 13 development management policies to ensure no unacceptable harm to the environment, economy or communities of West Sussex (Policies 11-23)
- six site allocations to help us meet the need for new facilities (Policy 10).
Five-year assessments
The Waste Local Plan was subject to a 5-year assessment in 2019 and 2024, as required by national policy. The purpose of these assessments were to consider whether the plan remains relevant and effective, or if changes are required by way of updates to the plan (in whole or in part).
- Assessment of the West Sussex Waste Local Plan 2019 (PDF, 1MB)
- Assessment of the West Sussex Waste Local Plan 2024 (PDF, 1MB)
The outcome of the assessments undertaken in 2019 and 2024 is that the plan remains relevant and effective; therefore no update is required at this time. The plan will continue to be monitored, and outcomes reported through the Annual Monitoring Reports and a further assessment undertaken in 5 years’ time. An early review may be triggered if that is indicated through monitoring.
Supporting documents
- Waste Local Plan Adoption Statement (PDF, 186KB)
- Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment Adoption Statement (PDF, 108KB)
- Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 5.9MB)
- Sustainability Appraisal - Addendum (PDF, 497KB)
- Sustainability Appraisal - Non-technical summary (PDF, 247KB)
- Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance (PDF, 13.8MB)
- High Quality Waste Facilities Supplementary Planning Document (PDF, 1.8MB)
Background to the Waste Local Plan
The plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for approval in March 2013. Following a public examination in July 2013, it was found to be sound by the Planning Inspector. The Planning Inspector's report and schedule of main modifications are available below.
- Planning Inspectorate report on the examination into West Sussex Waste Local Plan (PDF, 235KB)
- West Sussex Waste Local Plan - Main modifications (PDF, 937KB)
Find out more
Contact us if you would like any of the submission and examination documents or background evidence that was produced in relation to the public examination and submission of the plan.