Energy Strategy

How we will reduce our impact on the environment through the decisions we make about energy.

Drawing on the direction set by our Climate Change Strategy, the Energy Strategy shows how the County Council will work with partners to support the transition to low carbon energy over the coming decade.

It builds on progress made to date and addresses key issues of energy security, affordability and environmental sustainability.

The strategy includes detail about how the County Council will take action on climate change and achieve net zero operation through its energy programme.

It also addresses support for residents and businesses to move to clean energy and tackle issues such as fuel poverty and reducing energy bills.

The strategy focuses on the following objectives:

  • Sustainable energy - decarbonising local energy by improving the generation and distribution of energy from sustainable sources.
  • Emissions reduction - reducing our emissions and working with other organisations and sectors to support them to achieve their emission reduction targets.
  • Social benefit - ensuring that our energy projects deliver wider, societal benefits for our communities.
  • Local energy resilience - delivering projects that help to ensure that our local energy supply is robust and secure.

A detailed action plan setting out the specific projects to deliver the Energy Strategy is being developed.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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