Scaffolding licence

Apply for a licence to erect scaffolding on the highway.

1 Overview

A licence is required from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to erect scaffolding on a public highway. This does not apply to private gated roads with no public right of way. Private roads that are not gated, where the public have a right of way to use them, will require a licence.

We require a minimum of five working days' advance notice from the date of application to the date the scaffolding will be erected.

The licence duration is one calendar month. You are able to apply for longer periods if required, and any extension period is also for one calendar month.

The cost of a scaffolding licence is currently £247 for the first month, with additional months charged at £165.

All scaffolding contractors are required to inform WSCC as soon as scaffolding is removed. If scaffolding requires an extension period, a request must be made before the proposed end date of the licence.

If a scaffold licence reaches the end date and WSCC has not been informed of the site status, a WSCC inspector will visit the site to establish its status. Whether scaffolding has been removed or is still in place on the site will result in a fine being added to the invoice.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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