(Position at May 2018)
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has identified that the county requires significant investment in new infrastructure to help stimulate economic growth, with Crawley as a key growth location.
The Crawley Growth Programme is a £60 million package which will potentially provide jobs, business space and homes. The investment in key local infrastructure will enable sustainable growth on regeneration sites.
The programme will:
- transform the business and living environment by undertaking significant upgrades to the public realm in the town centre and Manor Royal Business District
- deliver significant new Grade A commercial space in the town centre
- support the delivery of high quality office and industrial space in the Manor Royal Business District
- unlock private developer finances to pay for a new railway station in Crawley
- improve the quality of sustainable transport infrastructure (bus, cycle routes and pedestrian walkways), helping to alleviate congestion
- achieve major bus, cycle and pedestrian connectivity enhancements at Crawley’s three railway stations, creating new links to other forms of transport.
The Crawley Growth Programme will be delivered by a major partnership of public and private organisations, including:
- Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership
- West Sussex County Council
- Crawley Borough Council
- Metrobus
- Gatwick Airport Limited
- Manor Royal Business Improvement District (BID) Company
- Arora Group
- Gatwick Diamond Initiative
- Crawley Town Centre Partnership.