1 Overview
A licence is required if you wish to place building materials on the public highway. A licence is not necessary if materials are placed on private land or on private gated roads with no public right of way. Private roads that are not gated, where the public have a right of way to use them, will still require a licence.
The cost of a building materials licence is currently £117 for between one to five calendar day periods. License extensions are available in five-day intervals.
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) does not allow materials to be stored on the footway under any circumstances. This is because of the damage this can cause and potential obstruction to the public footway. WSCC will only allow the verge to be used in exceptional circumstances.
All materials must be stored on a spoil board and safely cordoned off with reflective barriers. If there are no streetlights, barriers must have lighting attached.
Any damage caused to the highway will be recharged to the licence holder.
We require a minimum of five working days' advance notice from the date of application to the date the materials will be placed on our highway.