Your personal information may be shared with internal departments of West Sussex County Council (WSCC), or external organisations and agencies involved in delivering services on our behalf.
We use external trusted services or suppliers who provide business support services, including IT security, building maintenance, hosting, archiving, data storage, email and text services and surveys.
We will only share your personal data when the law allows us to and in most cases the basis for sharing it is to enable the performance of a public task.
We will only share your special category data, under Article 9 of the GDPR, when the law allows us to. In most cases the basis for sharing will be to provide you with social care services.
You may decide you do not wish your personal information to be collected or shared, or may wish to set conditions on our use of it. In such cases we may not be able to provide the service you require or may only be able to provide it in a limited way. There are occasions where we have a legal obligation to collect or use personal information without consent.
We may use personal information to identify individuals who need additional support during emergencies or major incidents, for example, in an emergency evacuation.
Who we might share your information with
To enable WSCC to provide effective joined-up social care with health partners, we may share personal identifiable information with NHS Digital. This is in order to obtain NHS numbers from the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), the national electronic database of NHS patient details.
The following are examples of third parties who we may need to share your information with, if appropriate.
- Family, associates or representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing
- Current past and prospective employers
- Healthcare, social and welfare organisations
- Schools, colleges, educators and examining bodies
- Financial organisations
- Debt collection and tracing agencies
- Private investigators
- Goods and services providers
- Local and central government
- Elected members
- Ombudsman and regulatory authorities
- Press and the media
- Professional advisors and consultants
- Courts and tribunals
- Trade unions
- Political organisations
- Credit reference agencies
- Professional bodies
- Survey and research organisations
- Police forces
- Housing associations and landlords
- Voluntary and charitable organisations
- Religious organisations
- Students and pupils, including their relatives, guardians, carers or representatives
- Data processors
- Customs and excise
- International law enforcement agencies and bodies
- Security companies
- Partner agencies, approved organisations
- Licensing authorities
- Healthcare professionals
- Law enforcement and prosecuting authorities
- Legal representatives, defence solicitors
- Police Complaints Authority
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
We do not pass personal data to third parties for marketing, sales or any other commercial purposes without your prior explicit consent. We may process your personal information using web services hosted outside the European Economic Area (EEA), but only where a data processing agreement is in place that complies with obligations equivalent to those of the Data Protection Act.
Public funds
WSCC must protect public funds and may use personal information and data matching techniques to detect and prevent fraud and ensure public money is targeted and spent in the most cost-effective way.
In order to achieve this, information may be shared with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, including:
- the Cabinet Office
- the Department for Work and Pensions
- other local authorities
- HM Revenue and Customs
- fraud investigation services
- the police