Planning your care and support

Creating your care and support plan.

Creating your care and support plan

Once you have agreed with your social care worker what you want to achieve, you will need to develop a care and support plan which describes how you will useĀ your personal budget to achieve the results you want (your outcomes). You can do this with a care and support broker or in some cases a social care worker, by yourself (with or without support), or you can ask someone else to do it for you.

You will need to agree your care and support plan with a care and support broker or your social care worker.

Other sources of funding or support will be taken into account when completing your care and support plan. This is because social care funding cannot pay for things such as NHS-funded care, regular household bills or services to meet needs that are already being, or can be met in other ways, such as through family and friends.

Care and support brokerage service

We want you to be able to get good advice and support when you are planning how to spend your personal budget. A care and support broker will help you think about the many ways you can get care and support, help find the right services for you and work out the costs involved. You can find out more by going to the Care and support brokerage service section.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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