Vehicles parking in contravention of existing waiting restrictions, such as yellow lines, should be reported to the relevant district or borough council parking service.
A district or borough council will not be able to intervene in suspected cases of dangerous or obstructive parking. This could be where a vehicle is parked on the pavement, where there are no waiting restrictions or if the land is private.
If a vehicle is thought to be causing an obstruction, preventing access for emergency vehicles, parked on the pavement or blocking a driveway, report it to Sussex Police. Please use the non-emergency number 101 or email your local policing team.
Be mindful that obstruction is a very broad issue and that Sussex Police have limited resources. They will review each report on a case-by-case basis and can only issue a fixed penalty or take other action in certain circumstances, for example, when an obstruction is likely to endanger life.
Parking within 10 metres of a junction
The Highway Code (Rule 243) states that drivers should not - rather than must not - park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space. Therefore, doing so is not an offence in its own right.
However, action may be taken by Sussex Police if it is considered that a vehicle is parked dangerously or is causing an obstruction.