The Blue Badge scheme
Information on Blue Badges, disabled bays and disabled parking for permit holders.
Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs)
Current CPZs and how to request a change or apply for a new zone.
Apply for an on-street parking permit
How to apply, the types of permit available and the charges.
Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)
How we enforce on-street parking, Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), how to pay for a PCN and how to challenge a PCN.
Moving Traffic Enforcement
How we enforce moving traffic contraventions, including bus gates and bus lanes.
Vehicles causing obstruction
Find out how to report a vehicle causing an obstruction or parked dangerously.
Report an abandoned vehicle
Report a vehicle that you think has been abandoned.
Find a car park
Details about district and borough council owned car parks in West Sussex.
Report issues with on-street parking
How to report parking enforcement issues and problems with parking signs and lines in West Sussex.
The Integrated Parking Strategy 2022-2027
the role of the County Council in parking management and its plans for the period 2022-2027.
Request an access protection line
How to request a white road marking to highlight where access is needed.
Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)
Find out about or apply for a TRO, or comment on a TRO consultation.
Park and Ride
Park and Ride facilities in West Sussex.