Pavements and verges

Report issues with pavements and verges.

To report issues with footways, such as damaged pavements, missing paving slabs, trip hazards and obstructions or works affecting pedestrian safety:

To report issues with kerbs or edging, such as damaged or missing kerbstones or edging:

To report damage to a grass verge, such as rutting caused by vehicles driving over or parking on a verge:

To report other verge issues, see our Trees, hedges weeds and grass page.

Find more information about Pavement and verge maintenance.

Be aware that we do not monitor online reports at weekends or during bank holidays.

If you would like to receive progress updates you will need to register for an account or provide an email address when you submit your report.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.