Invoicing for goods and services

Find information about invoicing WSCC for goods and services.

1 What to include on your invoice

All invoices must quote a valid purchase order number and include:

  • an invoice date
  • an invoice number
  • a total amount payable, plus VAT if applicable
  • your vendor (supplier) number, which you can find on purchase orders we send you
  • the word ‘Invoice’ clearly written
  • your full name and address.

It must be addressed to ‘West Sussex County Council’ or ‘WSCC’. If applicable, also include your SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) number.

The invoice must display the corresponding purchase order number for the goods or services ordered. If you are being asked to supply goods or services that do not match the specification on the purchase order, please do not supply us. Ask your West Sussex County Council contact for an additional purchase order for the goods and/or services they are requesting.

2 Purchase orders

A purchase order is a request that provides the specification for the goods and/or services we need you to supply.

All purchase orders contain:

  • a WSCC purchase order number in the format 41xxxxxxxx (where ‘x’ are numbers)
  • specification of requirement
  • delivery address
  • delivery contact details.

You will receive a standard purchase order from the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Accounts and Purchasing Team.

To be as sustainable as possible, we send purchase orders to our suppliers by email.

Limit orders

This is when we ask a supplier to supply goods or services over a fixed period of time, where there will be multiple deliveries at a variable cost.

The limit order will have an end date which informs the supplier a new purchase order will be required. Each time an invoice is raised for goods or services delivered against this order the purchase order number will need to be quoted on the invoice.

To ensure payments are processed promptly a regular statement or schedule of works will need to be supplied to the WSCC contact who requested the goods or services. It must identify the goods or services delivered, the date and any other information that allows us to pay them.

If we ask a supplier to supply goods or services over a fixed period of time, where there will be multiple deliveries at a variable cost, we will not provide the value of the order. This order will have been raised and agreed according to the quote you provided to the WSCC contact.

3 Where to send your invoice

To have your invoice processed as quickly as possible, email it to us.

If you email an invoice:

  • add the word 'Invoice' in the email subject field
  • make sure it contains a valid purchase order number
  • add it as an attachment in PDF or TIFF format.

You can add multiple attachments as long as each attachment contains only one invoice.

4 Reasons for a delay in payment

Payment may have been delayed because:

  • an invoice has been submitted without a purchase order
  • a valid purchase order number has not been quoted on your invoice.

In these cases your payment may be significantly delayed. We will have to complete internal processes to identify who ordered the goods and/or services and confirm they have been received.

Do not dispatch goods or proceed with any work for us without a valid purchase order number.

Other reasons for a delay in payment may be that the member of staff you are supplying:

  • has not confirmed receipt of the goods and/or services
  • has not approved the payment.

In these instances the Accounts and Purchasing team will contact the person who requested the goods/services and inform them that your invoice has arrived. If they have a query about the invoice, we will request they contact you directly.

A purchase order number can only be used on an invoice that corresponds to the goods or services provided to fulfil the order. If you have multiple purchase orders make sure you invoice against each of these separately.

5 Contact the Accounts and Purchasing team

The Accounts and Purchasing team is the only team that can process your invoice for payment.

By sending invoices directly to us you are ensuring payment within your agreed payment terms.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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