Highways, transport and planning communication strategy

How we communicate with our customers and help them understand the services we provide.

We aim to make it easy for all customers to understand the services the Highways, Transport and Planning teams provide, including our plans and policies.

We will also enable simple and easy reporting of any issues.

Our communication approach

  • We will provide you with useful information so you don’t need to contact us as much.
  • Information will be clear, accurate and presented in the best format.
  • We will be open and transparent about where and how we spend money.
  • Our communications will encourage safe use of our Highways and Public Rights of Way network.
  • We will work with our communities, stakeholders, district and boroughs, parishes and town councils to inform, engage and collaborate where possible.
  • We will follow the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) customer promise.

What we’ll use to communicate with you

YouTube - WSCC Video

See how we keep roads safe in West Sussex and the work our communities do to support local highway maintenance via our video clips.

West Sussex Highways Twitter account

Keep up to date on road closures, highway improvements, grass cutting and gritting daily updates via our Twitter account.


Find out about highway works that are underway on one.network.

Highways, transport and planning communication strategy (PDF, 536KB)
Last updated:
19 July 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.