Transport Plan monitoring

Find out about travel surveys and information used to monitor our Transport Plan.

1 Overview

In this section, you will find details of local travel surveys and wider information on travel trends in West Sussex.

Information includes National Highways and Transport Network Public Satisfaction Survey results and report data from the monitoring indicators for the West Sussex Transport Plan.

The Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) of the West Sussex Transport Plan (WSTP) is produced annually. The AMR includes a summary table of outputs that are being produced (output measures) and outcomes that are results (outcome indicators).

It also includes an updated five-year Action Plan setting out the short-term actions that the County Council intends to take working with its strategic partners to deliver the WSTP.

Annual Monitoring Report (PDF, 909KB)


2 National Highways and Transport Network Public Satisfaction Survey

This survey measures public satisfaction with highways and transport services, as well as travel behaviour. As a national survey of the National Highways and Transport (NHT) Network, it allows comparison of performance between local highway authorities.

West Sussex took part in the survey for the first time in 2010. In 2021, 3,300 surveys were initially sent out to randomly selected households across West Sussex. A reminder mailing was used to increase response rates to the survey, which was 28.7%.

The 2021 NHT survey template, a West Sussex results overview and a key benchmarking indicator and survey background summary report are available below. This provides information on key trends from 2010 to 2021, as well as explanatory information about how the survey results are derived.

Supporting documents

3 West Sussex 2011 Census

Our 2011 Census results page gives travel to work and car and van ownership statistics. 

4 Contact our team

Last updated:
19 July 2024
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