Our customer promise

The kind of service you should expect to receive when dealing with the County Council.

Customer centred, giving a helpful, polite and knowledgeable service, making it easy for you to access information, services and support when you need them.

Listening to what you want, explaining what we will do and keeping you informed and involved in what we are doing.

Honest and realistic, only making promises we can deliver, making the best use of the resources we have.

Trustworthy, doing what we say we will, taking responsibility and putting it right if we get it wrong.

Valuing your opinion, seeking your ideas and feedback; recognising that you know your own situation best.

You can help us to deliver our promise by:

  • working with us to get the information we need to help you
  • treating our staff politely
  • letting us know if you have any specific needs
  • letting us know if you have to change an appointment.

Our Standards

  • If you contact us by email or in writing, we will acknowledge receipt within 3 working days.
  • Whether you contact us in writing, by email or by phone, if a response is required, we aim to provide this within 10 working days or sooner, where possible.
  • If this is not possible, for example because your query is complex or involves several service areas, we will contact you within 10 working days to let you know who is looking after your query, what action we are taking and when a reply can be expected.
  • So that our services are covered during emergencies, we will provide access by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • We will comply with our statutory responsibilities, including the Data Protection Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and other related laws. We will also explain your rights to you if you need to know more.
  • We will welcome your comments, complaints or compliments, and make it easy for you to give them to us. We will use what you tell us to improve our customers’ experiences.
  • If the service you ask us for is provided by another organisation, we will explain how you can make contact with them.
  • We will ensure that our staff are aware of the customer promise and take responsibility for meeting it.
Last updated:
24 June 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.