Councillor allowances and expenses

Details of your councillor's allowances and expenses for the last financial year.

Councillors, also referred to as members, are entitled to a basic allowance and expenses for their County Council duties. Details are set out in the Members’ Allowances Scheme in part 6 of our Constitution.

Allowance amounts are decided by an Independent Remuneration Panel, which recommends how much the County Council should reimburse its members.

The Independent Remuneration Panel recommended a revised scheme to the County Council in December 2020. The revised scheme was agreed subject to minor amendments and took effect from after the election in May 2021.

Councillors' allowances and expenses are published annually.

You can find out how much senior officers were paid on Data store - Finance.

Elements of the scheme

Basic allowance

The basic allowance is designed to provide some recompense for the time spent on County Council business and to, at least in part, recognise the various costs likely to be incurred as an elected member, such as the use of their home or for phone calls.

Special responsibility allowance

This is paid to:

  • the Chairman/Vice-Chairman
  • the Leader of the Council/Deputy Leader
  • Cabinet members/advisers
  • chairmen of committees
  • members who sit on fostering panels
  • group leaders to reflect the additional work and expense that those duties entail.

Travelling and subsistence allowances

Travelling and subsistence allowances may be paid for 'approved duty' attendance at conferences, seminars or meetings in some circumstances.

Carer's allowance

This can be claimed to help with the care of family members as a consequence of a member's work as a councillor.

Last updated:
12 August 2024
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