The Leader and Deputy Leader
The Leader has overall political control of the Council and appoints the other members of the Cabinet. The Deputy Leader assists the Leader with these duties. The Leader is elected for a 4-year term by the council at the first meeting following an election.
- The Leader of the council is Councillor Paul Marshall.
- The Deputy Leader of the council is Councillor Deborah Urquhart.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the County Council are appointed annually by the full council at a public meeting.
- The Chairman of the County Council is Councillor Pieter Montyn who is the apolitical guardian of the interests of all members of the County Council and its processes, as well as being its principal non-political representative.
- The Vice-Chairman is Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes who assists the Chairman.
Read more about the role of the Chairman (PDF, 72KB)
Cabinet members
These are senior members of the council who hold specific responsibilities for different policy areas. Each is a member of the Cabinet and has a portfolio of work for which they are responsible. Cabinet members are appointed by the Leader, and are:
- Adults Services - Councillor Amanda Jupp.
- Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Lead Member for Children) - Councillor Jacquie Russell.
- Community Support, Fire and Rescue - Councillor Duncan Crow.
- Environment and Climate Change and Deputy Leader - Councillor Deborah Urquhart.
- Finance and Property - Councillor Jeremy Hunt.
- Highways and Transport - Councillor Joy Dennis.
- Public Health and Wellbeing - Councillor Bob Lanzer.
- Support Services and Economic Development - Councillor Steve Waight.
Minority Political Group (or 'Opposition') Leaders and Deputy Leaders
- The Liberal Democrat Leader is Councillor Kirsty Lord.
- The Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader is Councillor Kate O’Kelly.
- The Labour Leader is Councillor Chris Oxlade.
- The Labour Deputy Leader is Councillor Caroline Baxter.
- The Green and Independent Alliance Leader is Councillor Donna Johnson.
- The Green and Independent Alliance Deputy Leader is Councillor Sarah Sharp.