Open data
We are committed to making the information we have, that does not contain personal details, available to anyone. This 'open data' is free to use, re-use and share.
You could, for example, use this data to analyse local issues, add to your webpage or blog, or use as part of a web application - the choice is yours.
What data is available?
The open data currently available from us is listed below.
- Potholes and claims data - Information and data on potholes and claims.
- Gender pay gap - Details of our gender pay gap.
- Local Government Transparency Code data - Data sets required by the Local Government Transparency Code.
- Commercial and residential data - How much employment floorspace is available in West Sussex, how much housing has been built, and the amount of land available for future house-building.
- Other data sources - Websites where you can find statistical information about West Sussex.
You may reuse this information freely and flexibly, with a few conditions, under the UK Open Government Licence.