Councillors are required to register their pecuniary and other interests within 28 days of their appointment to office. They are also required to register pecuniary interests of their spouse or live-in partner, if applicable.
These details are held in members’ registers of interests which are linked from the Your Councillors page. For co-opted members, registers of interest are linked from the website pages for the committees on which they serve.
The Registers contain those interests listed in the County Council’s Code of Conduct, which can be found in the document under Part 5, Section 1, of our Constitution. A hard copy of the Registers is also available to view in person at County Hall, Chichester, during normal office hours.
If you have any queries about the Register contact Charles Gauntlett, Senior Adviser:
- Email:
- Phone: 033 022 22524
Register of Officers’ Interests
Every officer is under the same obligation as councillors to avoid any conflict between their personal interests and those of the County Council. Details are held in a Register of Officers’ Interests. The Register will be published alongside the County Council’s statement of accounts each year, by 31 July.
The Register of Officers’ Interests contains details of:
- financial, contractual or business interests, whether remunerated or not (including those of close family) which have or could have any connection with the work of, or provision of, services by the County Council or by any of its direct suppliers contractors or partners
- an interest in land or other property affected by any business, operational procedure, contract, planning application or any other matter being or expected to be considered by the County Council
- any family or personal interest in or connection with any business of the County Council which, if disclosed, could give reasonable cause to question whether the officer’s judgment or where the interests of the County Council could be prejudiced
- all gifts, gratuities, facilities, entertainment, tickets to events, meals and benefits in kind from whatever source given or received by the officer or close family as a result of, or in connection with, a relationship formed through County Council business, unless the actual or estimated value is negligible.