Public health information for professionals

Guidance for professionals working in public health.

1 Health promotion resources

We aim to support the work of health promoters across West Sussex by providing resources such as teaching packs, games, models and displays, as well as leaflets and posters on health promotion topics. We can also provide advice and guidance on appropriate materials and signpost to sources of information for national and local campaigns and local services.

Our materials are suitable for use by professionals working with a wide range of client groups, from antenatal, through pre-school and school years, to adults of all ages and people with special needs.

Anyone involved in promoting health who lives or works in West Sussex can use our resources, including:

  • health professionals
  • teachers
  • students on health professional qualification courses
  • children and family centre workers
  • volunteers with health promotion as part of their role
  • youth workers.

How to order

Our resources cover a broad range of health promotion issues. A list of the leaflets and posters available can be found in the order form for leaflets below:

A list of the resources that are available to borrow can be found in the searchable spreadsheet below. See the guidance document for an explanation of spreadsheet filters:

Once selected, use the resource booking form below to place your request:

2 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

What is the PNA?

Since April 2013, every Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in England has had a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up to date a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services of the population in its area. This is referred to as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).

The PNA:

  • looks at the current provision of pharmaceutical services across West Sussex
  • decides whether this meets the current and future needs of the population
  • identifies any potential gaps to service delivery. 

The PNA is a key document which is used by:

  • NHS England and improvement to inform decisions about applications for new, or changes to existing, pharmaceutical service and the commissioning of NHS-funded services that can be provided by local community pharmacies
  • local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups when commissioning services to meet local health needs and priorities.

Supporting documents

3 Healthy places framework

West Sussex County Council holds a responsibility for delivering positive health and wellbeing outcomes for its residents.

This Framework provides public health guidance to decision makers on creating healthy and sustainable places in West Sussex.

Last updated:
13 August 2024
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