Raise a concern about a child
How to raise a concern about the welfare of a child if you think they are being harmed, abused or neglected.
West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership
Help to keep children and young people in our county safe.
Early help
Guidance for professionals on getting early help for young people and their families.
Mind Of My Own app
Communication app for looked after children and young people and their workers.
Review of emotional and wellbeing services
Our plans for improving mental health services for children and young people.
SEND information for professionals
Information, advice and forms for professionals.
Pause West Sussex
Support for women who have experienced or risk repeated removal of children from their care.
Raise a concern about an adult
What to do if you think an adult is being harmed, abused or neglected.
Raise an issue about the quality of a care service
How professionals or care providers can report issues with the quality of a service which do not meet safeguarding thresholds.
West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board
Visit the WSSAB website to find out about the different organisations working to safeguard adults.
Adult safeguarding guidance for professionals
Key documents and guidance for professionals working in adult protection.
Adult social care assessments
Refer an adult for an assessment of their social care needs.
Adults' policies and procedures
Social care policies and procedures for Adults' Services.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Information on DoLS and how to apply for authorisation.
Public health information for professionals
Guidance for professionals working in public health.
Make an Independent Advocacy referral
Advice for professionals wanting to refer an individual for an Independent Advocate under the Care Act.
West Sussex Telecare Service
Online referral portal for health and social care professionals who refer to the Telecare Service.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
Find information and resources for public health professionals.
Infection Prevention and Control
View information on Infection Prevention and Control on the Provider Zone of West Sussex Connect to Support.