1 Bognor Regis
A review of the existing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is currently underway, although this is not considering any new zone extensions. For further details, please email parking@westsussex.gov.uk.
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Bognor Regis and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
2 Billingshurst
Currently, there are no plans to make any changes to the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ).
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Billingshurst and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
3 Chichester
The recent Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) review in and around Chichester city has now been completed. All Traffic Regulation Orders are now sealed and active.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Chichester and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
4 Crawley
A number of minor changes will soon to be made to the existing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). These are designed to try and improve road safety, reduce congestion and provide additional parking spaces where possible. For further details, please email parking@westsussex.gov.uk.
A proposal for a new CPZ in Manor Royal is currently being considered. Initial consultation took place in 2019/20 and discussions are on-going with various stakeholders such as the Manor Royal Business Improvement District. A further statutory consultation could take place later in 2022.
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Crawley and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
5 East Grinstead
A review of the existing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) has now proceeded to statutory consultation, taking place from 2 May to 23 May 2024. View a full list of minor amendments.
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays, that currently apply in East Grinstead and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
6 Horsham
The statutory consultation for all minor changes to Horsham CPZ has now closed.
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Horsham and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.
7 Worthing
A number of minor changes will soon to be made to the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). These are designed to try and improve road safety, reduce congestion and provide additional parking spaces where possible. For further details, please email parking@westsussex.gov.uk.
If you live within the CPZ and would like any changes to be made, refer to Request a change to an existing Controlled Parking Zone.
To view all on-street parking restrictions, such as parking bays, yellow lines and loading bays that currently apply in Worthing and when they were introduced or changed, see the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) map.