Apply for a 'brown' tourist or private sign

Apply for a road sign to help residents and visitors find local businesses or attractions within West Sussex.

1 Overview

You can apply for a road sign to help residents and visitors find local businesses or attractions within West Sussex.

Signs can be used for local attractions and facilities, such as:

  • theme parks
  • historic buildings
  • museums
  • guest houses/hotels
  • zoos
  • camp sites
  • leisure complexes.

2 Costs and payment

There is a non-refundable fee of £338.80 for assessing your application.

You will be asked to make payment using our online payment service once we have received your application.

3 Check you are eligible

The application fee is non-refundable, so please read the guidance documents below before you apply to make sure that you meet the criteria.

4 Apply for approval

Apply for approval for a tourist or private sign online (external link)

Be aware that:

  • your application is only to request approval to install a sign
  • payment does not include the cost of designing and installing signage if approved.

5 What happens next

After submitting your approval application form, you will be contacted for payment of the £338.80 non-refundable fee.

Once payment is confirmed your application will be allocated to an officer, who will contact you within 20 working days.

If approved, you will then need to commission a contractor to design and install the signage as the County Council is not able to provide this service. Signs must comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 and Chapter 7: Traffic Signs Manual 2013.

The contractor will require £10 million public liability insurance and appropriate New Roads and Street Works 1991 accreditation in order to install the equipment on the highway.

Last updated:
22 August 2024
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