Adult social care

Information about the transition of a young person from children's to adults' social services.

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) uses national guidelines called 'eligibility criteria' to help us understand whether people have eligible social care needs. This applies to people needing social care support and to carers.

When moving from children's to adults' services a new assessment is undertaken. This will review what care and support you or your young person may need. It is important for you to be involved in the assessment.

You know better than anyone what you need to live a good life.

Find 'Your life, your choice' information for people needing social care and carers under 'Access to services'. This includes an easy read version for people needing social care support.

Requesting an assessment from Adult Services

Request for an assessment (external link)

If the young person is over 18 and not known to social care, contact Adults' CarePoint:

If you are an adult and known to social care, speak to your social worker.

Appealing a decision

An appeal is a request for a review of the decision(s) taken by local social care officers about your:

  • eligibility to receive funded social care
  • assessments
  • personal budget
  • support plan.

It is one of a range of options for dealing with concerns or complaints.

We try to make sure that we always provide a high-quality service and sort problems out straight away wherever possible, but we know that there may be times when you are not satisfied.

Our appeals process provides a simple way for you to request a review and to receive a quick response.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received you can make a complaint.

Getting independent impartial support

  • West Sussex Parent Carer Forum - An independent charity run mostly by parent volunteers.

  • Reaching Families - A parent carer led charity established to "empower, inform and care for parents who have published the book 'Making Sense of Adult Life'.

  • SEND Information, Advice and Support Service - Provides impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and the young people themselves.

Where to get more information

Raise a Concern about an adult

If you think the danger is immediate phone the police now on 999.

Alternatively, if you think an adult is being harmed, abused or neglected you can complete our online form or call the number below.

Phone: Adults’ CarePoint on 01243 642121.