West Sussex Parent Carer Forum


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We are an independent charity run mostly by parent volunteers; we represent parent/carer views to various organisations and professional bodies to improve county/health/social care services for disabled children, young people and their families.

What we do

  • Represent the views and lived experiences of parents/carers to the appropriate bodies within health, education and social care.
  • Provide advice and support parents through training, conferences and roadshows to empower you when working with practitioners who are supporting your child/young person.
  • Provide holistic information and signpost you to relevant services including health, education, social care and voluntary organisations.
  • Our phone is manned Mon - Fri, if you leave a message, your call will be returned. Become a member and receive our email bulletins on a regular basis. We use our Facebook page to post information and local/national updates.

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


Our users say

Having attended the Making your Voice Heard training I felt more confident in speaking to professionals about my son's needs, thank you.

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