We produce a variety of social care publications specifically for services for adults, many of which can be downloaded from this page. Most of them are also available to order online or by post.
Adults' social care publications online order form (external link)If you are a West Sussex County Council staff member, please use this form.
Please contact us if you require this information:
- on audio format
- in braille
- in large print
- translated into another language.
Access to services
- Your life, your choice: Information for people needing social care and carers
- 'Your life, your choice' easy read version for people needing social care support (PDF, 4.8MB)
- 'Your life, your choice' easy read version for carers (PDF, 3.8MB)
Adult safeguarding
- Adult safeguarding - No decision about me, without me easy read (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Worth Services - Domestic abuse advisors (PDF, 189KB)
- Adult safeguarding - Is somebody you know experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect? - leaflet (PDF, 163KB)
- Is somebody you know experiencing, or at risk of abuse or neglect? - posters (PDF, 503KB)
- What is a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB)? - poster (PDF, 197KB)
Appeals process for Adults' Services
Assessment and review
- Supporting you to leave hospital - Discharge to assess with reablement
- Your life, your choice: Information for people needing social care and carers
- 'Your life, your choice' easy read version for people needing social care support (PDF, 4.8MB)
- 'Your life, your choice' easy read version for carers (PDF, 3.9MB)
- Is your support working for you? A guide to reviewing adult social care support
- Is your support working for you? A guide to reviewing adult social care support easy read version (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Sharing information about you so that you get better care
- Sharing information about you so that you get better care easy read version (PDF, 1MB)
Care homes, domiciliary care and day services
(See also 'Money' below for information about paying fees.)
- Please see our Care Guide page to read information online.
- Choosing care checklist (PDF, 730KB)
- Carers Support West Sussex leaflet including Easy read and large font
- Looking after someone? - Information for carers (available in Gujarati, Polish and Punjabi)
Comments, compliments and complaints
- Comments, compliments and complaints about adults' social care
- Comments, compliments and complaints about adults' social care - easy read version (PDF, 220KB)
- Supporting you to leave hospital - Discharge to assess with reablement
- Disabled facilities grants for adapting your home
- Occupational Therapy leaflet
- Supporting you to manage at home again: Community Reablement Service
- Disabled facilities grants for adapting your home
- Shared Lives Scheme: For adults who need care and support
Local account of adult social care performance
Meals on wheels
- West Sussex meals on wheels service (PDF, 164KB)
- West Sussex meals on wheels service - easy read (PDF, 259KB)
- West Sussex meals on wheels service - large print (PDF, 186KB)
Mental health
- A guide to your assessment under the Mental Health Act 1983 and what happens next
- A guide to your rights if you have been assessed under section 2 or 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983
- A guide to your rights as the nearest relative under the Mental Health Act 1983
- A guide to your rights under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983
- A guide to the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and your rights
- A guide to the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and your rights - easy read (PDF, 7.9MB)
- A guide for representatives under the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Approved mental health professionals - Mental Health Act 1983
- Approved mental health professional service - who we are and what we do - easy read (PDF, 4.4MB)
- Mental Health Act - information about being detained - easy read (PDF, 7.7MB)
- Mental health crisis breathing space
- Carewise - Care Funding Advice (PDF, 554KB)
- Choosing and paying towards care in a residential or nursing home
- Choosing and paying towards care in a residential or nursing home - easy read (PDF, 16.4MB)
- Deferred payments - What do I need to know?
- Deferred payments - What do I need to know? - easy read (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Direct payment prepaid card
- Direct payment prepaid card - easy read (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Disabled facilities grants for adapting your home
- Do I need to pay for social care in my home or local community?
- Do I need to pay for social care in my home or local community? - easy read (PDF, 2.1MB)
- Financial assessments: what you need to know - Information for people receiving care and support services in their home or local community
- Financial assessments: what you need to know - Information for people receiving care and support services in their home or local community - easy read (PDF, 9.8MB)
- Financial assessments: what you need to know - Information for people receiving care in a residential or nursing home
- Financial assessments: what you need to know - Information for people receiving care in a residential or nursing home - easy read (PDF, 9.3MB)
Prevention and wellbeing
For information about the teams, download a copy of the leaflet or print off a copy of the postcard.
- Prevention Assessment Teams' leaflet (PDF, 175KB)
- Prevention Assessment Teams' postcard (PDF, 124KB)