What are my responsibilities?
Employers or organisations providing services to the public must ensure that all people, including disabled people, can leave the building they control safely in the event of a fire. This is a requirement of the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005.
An evacuation plan should not rely upon the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to make it work.
How can I make provisions for staff?
You can provide your staff member with a Personal Evacuation Emergency Plan (PEEP). This must be tailored to their individual needs and is likely to give detailed information on their movements during an escape. It is also possible that there will be some building adaptation to facilitate their escape and reduce the need for personal assistance.
How can I plan for disabled visitors?
A standard PEEP is also used for visitors. It takes account of the:
- disabled person’s movements within the building
- operational procedures within the building
- types of escape that can be made available
- building systems, such as the fire alarm
- existing exit plan.
Standard evacuation plans are written procedures that can be used as options for disabled people to choose from. They are held at reception points within the building and are advertised and offered to people as part of the entry and reception procedures.
Where can I find out more?
You can find further information on GOV.UK about providing a means of escape for disabled people. This is designed to be read alongside the relevant guide for your premises.