Children and young people’s area
This is your section of the Virtual School website and here you will find lots of information, activities and competitions.
We will include information that we think you will find helpful and also things we hope you will enjoy.
If you are a Child We Care For, the Virtual School will work closely with your school or college, the designated teacher, your social worker and carer to support you, and to make sure you are getting any help you need to learn and do your very best.
We will also help to make sure you can enjoy other activities that interest you or may help with any career plans.
Your Space is a website specifically for young people in West Sussex. It has information and news on careers, education, life, leisure, health and where to find support. You can also find out about how to get involved in organisations such as the Youth Cabinet and UK Youth Parliament.
Your Space -
The Exceptional People In Care (EPIC) award ceremony recognises the achievements and talents of children and young people cared for by, and care leavers in, West Sussex.
The Virtual School organises a number of competitions throughout the year and welcomes any Child or Young Person We Care For to enter.
The competitions aim to enable children and young people to express and explore their creative and imaginative talents through designing a piece of artwork or writing a story, diary extract, newspaper report, poem or picture story around a theme. The themes are always changing in order to inspire and innovative creativity.
Entries are always welcome from all ages and there are fabulous prizes to be won.
The Children in Care Council (CiCC) is made up of young people aged 10-16 who are cared for by West Sussex County Council. The council is supported by the Voice and Participation Team.
The CiCC gives young people the chance to have their voice heard about the services that affect them. The Care Leavers group is separate to the CiCC and gives opportunities to young people who receive support from the Leaving Care Service.
These young people contribute to service design including the delivery of local and national policies for Care Leavers.
Children In Care Council (CICC) and care leavers