Bohunt schools

Timetables for routes to Bohunt schools

Do not attempt to travel on a route you do not have an allocation for. Transport can be refused if a valid pass is not shown.

Contact details for the organisation running the route can be found on the Operator information page of School bus routes and timetables.



Operated by West Sussex County Council.


School bus morning timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Warnham, Bognor Road, Charmans Farm 7.50am
Northlands Road, Northlands Cottages 7.53am
Kingsfold, The Wise Old Owl 8.03am
Warnham, Church Street 8.06am
Warnham, Dorking Road, Westons Farm 8.10am
Warnham, Langhurstwood Road/Langhurst Close 8.20am
Horsham, Bohunt School 8.25am


On Wednesday afternoon there is an additional collection at 1.50pm from Bohunt School, Horsham to any afternoon stops. Ensure you notify the driver on the morning in advance.

School bus afternoon timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Horsham, Bohunt School 3.30pm
Warnham, Langhurstwood Road/Langhurst Close 3.35pm
Warnham, Dorking Road, Westons Farm 3.45pm
Warnham, Church Street 3.49pm
Kingsfold, The Wise Old Owl 3.52pm
Northlands Road, Northlands Cottages 3.58pm
Warnham, Bognor Road, Charmans Farm 4.01pm

Operated by West Sussex County Council.


School bus morning timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Milland, The Rising Sun public house 8.15am
Liphook, Bohunt School 8.30am


School bus afternoon timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Liphook, Bohunt School 3.30pm
Milland, The Rising Sun public house 3.45pm


School bus morning timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Fernhurst, Lower Lodge 8.10am
Rake, The Flying Bull public house 8.20am
Liphook, B2070, The Black Fox public house bus stop 8.23am
Liphook, Bohunt School 8.30am


School bus afternoon timetable showing location and time.
Location Time
Liphook, Bohunt School 3.30pm
Liphook, B2070, The Black Fox public house bus stop 3.37pm
Rake, The Flying Bull public house 3.40pm
Fernhurst, Lower Lodge 3.50pm
Last updated:
29 July 2024
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