All children, including those accessing only Universal EYFE
Providers must confirm that they have seen the original of a child’s birth certificate or passport and record the number on the parent declaration form.
Providers are responsible for verifying that the child is age-eligible for the EYFE they wish to claim for. For 3 and 4 year olds accessing Universal EYFE, no further verification is required.
Children awarded 2 year old LA Issued EYFE
2 year olds who meet certain criteria can be approved by the local authority to access up to 15 hours per week of EYFE. Children approved by:
- West Sussex County Council (WSCC) will receive a letter confirming when children can begin accessing EYFE, and a six-digit numerical code
- a local authority other than WSCC will still have received a confirmation letter or email. However, parents will need to provide you with a copy, which you must forward to us at so that we may verify the child’s eligibility and accept any subsequent claims from you for this child
Children awarded EYFE for working families
Parents approved for EYFE for working families must renew their code every three months. This means you must check eligibility for EYFE for working families for each child each term using the ad hoc eligibility checker, both before the child starts their funded place, and prior to each subsequent term.
When checking, you will be able to see the eligibility code’s start date, end date and grace period.
Start date is when the code was issued (applied via the HMRC application process), but this is not the date that a child can access their funding. The start date of a code must always be before 31 of March, August or December in order to access the term that follows. For example, codes must have a start date on or before 31 March in order to be able to access EYFE for working families in the Summer term.
End date is the date a parent needs to reconfirm their code by. The code enters its grace period the day after.
Grace period is the period of time where a code is still able to be used to access funding. It can only be used if a funded place has already been accessed and only with the provider it was used with. The code is valid at the child’s current provider up until the grace period end date.
Grace period end date is the potential date that the child could be funded up to, if they fall out of eligibility, such as if the parents’ working hours change. It is important to note the code can only be used during its grace period if the child is already accessing a funded place with you.
3 and 4 year old children who fall out of eligibility for accessing EYFE for working families will be unable to continue accessing Extended EYFE but can still access Universal EYFE. 2 year olds awarded EYFE for working families cannot continue unless eligibility is reconfirmed at a later date, or they are awarded 2 year old LA Issued EYFE.